1. Minecraft - Worlds
  2. November 2018
  3. Microgard Minecraft Map & Project

Microgard Minecraft Map & Project

by DovahSilThur

Description from original post (created 2018-11-01 22:59):

This is Microgard. It is a minecraft version of the tower of Isengard, coming from John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's Middle-Earth.
Credit to J.R.R. Tolkien for the original concept, then Peter Jackson for creating the Lord of the Rings movies in which the image of Isengard is displayed.

This only took 2-3 weeks of me going on and off but disregarding how little time I spent on it diamonds are still very much appreciated.

Though there is no full indoors the throne room can be explored by flying through the balcony door. And yes, that weird ugly shape thing in the middle is the Palantir. It sucks but in my defense there aren't many blocks in minecraft that look like the Eye of Sauron.

This is my first time making something on Planet Minecraft so sorry if you run into some technical issues; I'm still figuring out what everything does.

Sorry about the top being kind of flat; in my defense I hit the build limit :P


Mirrored resources

Text Mirror Original Filesize Type
- project_microgard_download_worldmap_.zip http://planetminecraft.com/project/microgard/download/worldmap/ 6 MiB archive